8/17/2022 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #22-32

16 at Purple Dragon Games on August 17, 2022 for Egyptian Game night

Welcome to Jeff, Mary, Olivia, Colin and Caleb on their first visit
Our 8/24 & 8/31 sessions will be theme-free, featuring both recent acquisitions/new releases as well as requests. If there’s something you missed the first time around or something new that you’d like to discover, please let me know via e-mail so our table leaders can prepare accordingly.
Tim has requested playing Cascadia and Scout and is looking to lead Gutenberg, Living Forest, Nidavellir, and The Estates plus some Concordia expansions.
K-ban is looking to play Raiders of the North Sea, Living Forest and The Estates and lead Planted, Psychic Pizza Delivers to the Ghost Town and Spill
I will be posting an announcement shortly for monthly Saturday GameDAYS (10 AM – 6 PM) in North Adams. This will mainly be for pre-arranged longer (3+ hours) complex games. As a result, communicating your attendance will be crucial. GameDAYS will be on the first Saturday of every month. Drew is looking to lead the epic German election game, Die Macher, for Saturday September 3. Amy has requested a seat for this 1986 classic by Karl-Heinz Schmiel.. Room for 4-5 at the table. “


We expect you to either have read the rules or watched a ‘how to play’ video before the session. We can have a second table for shorter, easier games by request.

IN: Steve & Sandy, Tim, Drew, Amy, Edwared & Kitty, Herb & Lynn Lamb, Mike, Jeff, Mary, Olivia, Colin and Caleb
Tutankhamen (led by Herb) 1993 Reiner Knizia open tile drafting and set collection on the Nile. We played using the 2021 25th Century Games deluxe Kickstarter edition.
Ra (led by Drew) 1999 Knizia auction and set collection classic. A deluxe version will be published in 2023 by the same company that published the new version of Tutenchamun.
Camel Up (led by Tim) 2014 German Game of the Year (SdJ)camel winner. Features camel racing and betting/predicting with a pyramid shaped dice dispenser.
Settlers of Catan: Cheops Historical Scenario (led by Edward) 1998 first German only historical scenario, adding ships and building materials for pyramids.on a fixed map of the lower Nile River. Flip side of the board is the Alexander the Great historical scenario.
Luxor (led by K-ban) 2018 Rudiger Dorn (Goa, Assante/Jambo, Louis XIV, Karuba) designed game of exploring Egyptian treasures, with unique card play, set collection and card management mechanics.
Imhotep (led by Tim) 2016 Phil Walker-Harding (Cacao, Sushi Go, Super Mega Lucky Box, Barenpark) design where players become builders in Egypt, wanting to emulate the first and best-known architect there, namely Imhotep.Over six rounds, wooden stones are carried by boat to create five monuments and players choose among four actions: Procure new stones, load stones on a boat, bring a boat to a monument, or play an action card.
Unlock! The Mysteries (group led) 2017 series of cooperative games that mimic an escape room experience. The learning game is app guided.
Happy City (led by Sandy) 2021 entry level drafting and city building game. Buy/draft properties that produce some combination of income, citizens or happiness. After building your city of 10 cards, your final score is the number of your citizen icons multiplied by happiness icons.
Mass Transit (led by K-ban) co-op card game to get 6 commuters home from work in the city to the suburbs before the deck runs out. The game was cruel this time for a group LOSS.


16 at Purple Dragon Games on August 17, 2022 for Egyptian Game night Welcome to Jeff, Mary, Olivia, Colin and Caleb on their first visit Our 8/24 & 8/31 sessions will be theme-free, featuring both recent acquisitions/new releases as well as requests. If there’s something you missed the first time around or something new that…

16 at Purple Dragon Games on August 17, 2022 for Egyptian Game night Welcome to Jeff, Mary, Olivia, Colin and Caleb on their first visit Our 8/24 & 8/31 sessions will be theme-free, featuring both recent acquisitions/new releases as well as requests. If there’s something you missed the first time around or something new that…

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