8/30/2023 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #23-35
2023 Session Reports16 gamers at our final session at Purple Dragon Games A sincere thanks to Niko for making our group welcome for 111 consecutive Wednesday evenings of board games. And thanks to our group for purchasing a considerable amount of Niko’s remaining inventory as our farewell tribute to his generosity. On Wednesday September 6, we begin a…
8/23/2023 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #23-34
2023 Session ReportsA Sweet 16 gamers for TRAIN NIGHT at Purple Dragon Games on 8/23/2023 – our next to last session before the store closes and we move to the Community Center at Uno Park in North Adams on September 6, 2023. Expect additional discounts on remaining game and book inventory at the store – last chance. Two…
8/16/2023 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #23-33
2023 Session ReportsAn even dozen at Purple Dragon Games on 8/16/2023 for a request night Welcome to Kitty’s parents Joanne & Bill, for joining us. We have two more sessions at Purple Dragon Games before the store closes and we move to the Community Center at Uno Park in North Adams on Wednesday September 6. This week Niko…
8/9/2023 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #23-32
2023 Session Reports15 at Purple Dragon Games on 9/9/2023 We returned to our old habit of pairing off with 2-player games to start the evening until all arrived – the flow of the evening improved as milling around was minimized and we could better plan for gamers arriving and departing at odd intervals. Our 8/16 session will be…
8/2/2023 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #23-31
2023 Session Reports22 (or was it 16?) at Purple Dragon Games on August 2, 2023 First visit for Averill and Lily as well as 6 undergraduate Williams Campers (we didn’t capture their names as they will be scattering to the winds shortly as camp ends soon) Gamers were arriving and departing at odd intervals. A big THANKS…