Joe Huber Visit this Wednesday at Purple Dragon Games

The re-schedule of Joe Huber’s visit to the Berkshire Gamers is confirmed for this Wednesday December 29 from 6-10 PM at Purple Dragon Games in Williamstown.

Joe has been active in the Boston game group scene for 3 decades. Our paths crossed when I was bringing in games from Germany in the early 2000’s for a German game collector/seller.
I met Joe at Gulf Games and marveled at his game leading skills – both teaching and keeping all up to pace to finish games at their stated box listed time.
Joe has been designing games in the last 18 years and has 15 published titles, as well as a few about to be published in 2022. Among his notable designs are:Caravans, Burger Joint, Blue Skies, Ice Cream, Scream Machine and Starship Merchants (co-design with Tom Lehman)
His Board Game Geek listing is:

Joe will be driving to the Berkshires from suburban Boston to join us this Wednesday
Upcoming theme nights – 
January 5 – Space Games – Terraforming Mars: Ares Project, Cosmic Encounter, Race for the Galaxy, Space Base, Star Realms, etc.
January 26 – Dawn of Civilization – Stone Age, Rise of Tribes, Age of Dirt, etc.


The re-schedule of Joe Huber’s visit to the Berkshire Gamers is confirmed for this Wednesday December 29 from 6-10 PM at Purple Dragon Games in Williamstown. Joe has been active in the Boston game group scene for 3 decades. Our paths crossed when I was bringing in games from Germany in the early 2000’s for…

The re-schedule of Joe Huber’s visit to the Berkshire Gamers is confirmed for this Wednesday December 29 from 6-10 PM at Purple Dragon Games in Williamstown. Joe has been active in the Boston game group scene for 3 decades. Our paths crossed when I was bringing in games from Germany in the early 2000’s for…

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