11/9/2022 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #22-44

10 at Purple Dragon Games on November 9. A special visit from game author Peter McPherson. We got to play the prototype of Peter’s latest game, Fit to Print, currently on Kickstarter (fully funded in the first day with ease) as well as his most recent game in print, Wormholes. We will defer Tiny Towns until next week.

11/16 session is a request session….what did you miss in a previous session and want to play? What recent releases are ready to hit our tables?
Sean is looking to get Verdant to the table
Tim is looking to get Living Forest and Nidavellir played for a second time as well as party game, Green Team Wins
K-ban is looking to get Tiny Towns, Habitats and Framework back for second plays
Some day, Armando will get Honey Buzz ready for group play so we can schedule a session about Bees and other insects.
For our first Saturday of the month GameDAY, Amy led Terraforming Mars for Danny and Christopher at Berkshire Adventurers Guild in North Adams.
IN: Steve, Sean, Wendy, Quinn, Tim, Armando, Amy, Drew, Peter, Michelle
ON THE TABLE: Just One, Fit to Print, Wormholes (2x), Splendor
Just One (group led) – one round as an icebreaker to meet our guest.
Fit to Print (led by Peter) – we played the team version (one player as Reporter, the other as front page Editor). Real time chaos combined with a clever puzzle. Scheduled for Fall 2023 release, currently on Kickstarter.
Wormholes (2x) (led by Peter) 2022 pick up and delivery game set in space, combined with a logistics puzzle. We had a 4-player and 5-player game being played simultaneously.
Splendor (group led) 2014 classic that should be in everyone’s collection. The 2-player Splendor: the Duel has just been released. Anyone about to buy a copy for the group so all can evaluate?


10 at Purple Dragon Games on November 9. A special visit from game author Peter McPherson. We got to play the prototype of Peter’s latest game, Fit to Print, currently on Kickstarter (fully funded in the first day with ease) as well as his most recent game in print, Wormholes. We will defer Tiny Towns…

10 at Purple Dragon Games on November 9. A special visit from game author Peter McPherson. We got to play the prototype of Peter’s latest game, Fit to Print, currently on Kickstarter (fully funded in the first day with ease) as well as his most recent game in print, Wormholes. We will defer Tiny Towns…

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