9/7/2022 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #22-35
by BerkshireGamers
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10 gamers for our Wednesday Gamenite at Purple Dragon Games in Williamstown.
Welcome to Alex for his first Gamenite visit.
Our September 14 session at Purple Dragon Games will mark the return of Sean & Wendy as they move into a rental unit until their new home is built. They have been greatly missed.
The September 14 theme will be games that feature Airplanes among: : Airlines Europe, Tycoon, Yukon Airways, Wings of War:Famous Aces, Jet Set, Wayfinder, On Board, Take Off.
IN: Steve & Sandy, Tim, Armando, Drew, Rob, Danny, Annie, Henry, Alex
King of 12 (led by Tim) 2020 card and dice game where each player plays with the same set of seven character cards. Each round players chooses a character and plays it hidden to the table.If two or more players chose the same card, these cards are negated, else card effects are resolved and affect each player’s magical orb – a d12. After all cards are resolved, the values of the dice are compared. If two players have the same value on their die, these are negated. Usually the remaining player with the highest value on his die wins the round and gets 2 points. The second most also gets 1 point. But in some cases the smallest value may win… When only one card is left, players compare their points. Players with the same amount of points negate each other, then the player with the most points wins the round. This player puts one of their cards aside and another round is played until one player must put a second card aside.
Blockers/Downtown (2x) (led by K-ban) 2010 tile laying game where players have the same hand of 28 tiles, with numbers (1-9), letters (A-I) and shapes plus a joker wild tile. The object is to have the fewest groups of tiles in your color added to the fewest ‘captures’.
Pandemic: Contagion (led by Drew) After many years of trying to defeat the diseases that threaten mankind’s existence, the tables have been turned. You are now the disease and guess what? There is no cure in this 2014 game, where players are competing against other diseases (fellow players) to see who can eliminate humanity. With no cure to be had, the one of you that wipes out all human civilization will come out on top as the most deadly disease ever known to man, may he rest in peace.
Planted (led by K-ban) 2022 Phil Walker Harding pick and pass game of growing house plants by acquiring water, sun and plant food – with help from tools and scores enhanced by decorations.. Great 3D deluxe bits. If you like Sushi Go and 7 Wonders this bridges the gap….great for family play.
Psychic Pizza Deliverers Go to the Ghost Town (led by Armando) 2018 Japanese game re-implemented by the BoardgameTables.com crew. Players are divided into “Pizza Delivery Professionals” and a mayor (GM) who controls the ghosts and builds the town. The pizza delivery professionals have to find a pizza and deliver it to the right house in town, all while avoiding ghosts, barriers, and mystic teleportation runes. The first player to find and successfully deliver a pizza wins. Luckily for them, the pizza delivery professionals all possess mild psychic powers. They must use their abilities to sense and divine what’s around them if they hope to deliver their pizzas.
Traxx (led by K-ban) 2015 German import. Flip and write as you draw your path to reach as many of the 10 target treasures as possible while visiting as many hexes on your erasable board as possible. Full points for being first to reach a target, half (rounded up) for subsequent arrivals. One point penalty for every hex not visited on your board.
Take It Easy/Hextension (led by Sandy) 1983 Peter Burley British puzzle game that resembles Bingo but with a combination of planning, skill and luck to have the highest score with the same call of tiles. Still the most played game in my collection.
10 gamers for our Wednesday Gamenite at Purple Dragon Games in Williamstown. Welcome to Alex for his first Gamenite visit. Our September 14 session at Purple Dragon Games will mark the return of Sean & Wendy as they move into a rental unit until their new home is built. They have been greatly missed. The…
10 gamers for our Wednesday Gamenite at Purple Dragon Games in Williamstown. Welcome to Alex for his first Gamenite visit. Our September 14 session at Purple Dragon Games will mark the return of Sean & Wendy as they move into a rental unit until their new home is built. They have been greatly missed. The…