1/5/2022 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #22-01
by BerkshireGamers
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Our first session of 2022 featured an even dozen gamers for our “Space: the Final Frontier” night – our table leaders outdid themselves with a half dozen Space Games on our tables (both 2-player and multiplayer fare)
Sandy & I are away visiting family and friends in Florida – Sean will be managing our 1/12 and 1/19 sessions.
The clock is reset as are the group stats as the books on 2021 are closed.
IN: (12) – Steve & Sandy, Sean & Wendy, Quinn, Emmet, Tim, Armando, Danny, Drew, Zach, Emily.
Tiny Epic Galaxies (led by Tim) 2015 Scott Almes design acclaimed to be the best of the ‘Tiny Little” series with dice rolling and card drafting.
Space Park (led by Armando) 2018 design by the author of Parks and Trails.
Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition (lead by Sean) 2021 streamlined version of Terraforming Mars using the parent’s core mechanics but streamlining the game.
Cosmic Encounter (lead by K-ban) 1977 Eon classic re-released by Fantasy Flight and still going strong with expansions galore. Three Cosmic newbies acted as Aliens able to break the rules of a card and token area control game. “the LOSER” won with timely decisions on when to declare an upset – negating the might of the Macron, death-defying by the Zombie and the absolutely rude Parasite (joining alliances without an invitation)….every game is as different as the mix of alien powers. Still one of my all-time top 10 games – you alway remember your first.
Alien Frontiers (led by Drew) 3-4 player 2010 area control game with card drafting and dice rolling/placement
Sternen Himmel (led by K-ban) a 1995 relic/oldie but goodie from the old Goldsieber line (Bakschisch, Mississippi Queen) – place colored markers onto constellation disks to earn VPs. Markers have numeric values ranging from 1-10 plus tiles for black holes and doubling. Some are placed face down, others face up. A dozen constellations get scored in the course of the game (as many played to as there are players from 3-5)
Mandala (led by Sean) – 2-player 2019 card abstract on a fabric gameboard
Glasgow (led by Wendy) – 2-player rondel tile placement game from 2020
Lost Cities (led by K-ban) – 1990 Knizia 2-player card game is especially good for couples to play. Play your cards that represent 5-6 expeditions (suits) numbered from 2-10 with 3 investment/wager multiplier cards per expedition. Cards must be played in ascending order with the twist being that although the numbers on the cards get added together, each expedition started COSTS 20 points. There’s an exquisite balancing act between offensive and defensive play and when to reveal and play your hand.
Botswana/ Quandary/Flinke Pinke/Wildlife Safari/Thor/Loco (led by Drew) – has any game been re-themed and re-skinned as much as Reiner Knizia’s Flinke Pinke – first released in English by Milton Bradley in 1994. The game is the same whether using cards, tiles or 3D animals. Botswana is the latter. Simple game that packs a wallop for 3-4 players (5 in Flinke Pinke).
Our first session of 2022 featured an even dozen gamers for our “Space: the Final Frontier” night – our table leaders outdid themselves with a half dozen Space Games on our tables (both 2-player and multiplayer fare) Sandy & I are away visiting family and friends in Florida – Sean will be managing our 1/12…
Our first session of 2022 featured an even dozen gamers for our “Space: the Final Frontier” night – our table leaders outdid themselves with a half dozen Space Games on our tables (both 2-player and multiplayer fare) Sandy & I are away visiting family and friends in Florida – Sean will be managing our 1/12…