10/13/2021 Berkshire Gamers Session Report #16
by BerkshireGamers
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13 in attendance for Wednesday October 13, 2021 at Purple Dragon Games – semi-officially deemed the ‘2021 Donut Doubleheader celebration’…..with Sean crowned as Donut King (with the DD Munchkins to prove it) – Emily and Tim qualified for the Dollars to Donuts grand finale. First visit from Ryn.
Our table leaders are hard at play learning the rules to close to a dozen recent game releases. We will continue teaching a healthy balance between classic games from the past 25+ years and recent gaming releases. Kindly reward their dedication by clearly RSVP-ing (preferably by using our MeetUps group) so we can plan for the anticipated attendance.
We are striving to make the most of the 4 hours that Purple Dragon games allow for our continued use and enjoyment. So expect more silly openers to occupy those who arrive early or by 6 PM until all arrive – instead of milling around and waiting.
IN: K-ban & Sandy, Armando, Tim,Sean & Wendy, Quinn, Emmett, Ryn, Danny, Dwayne, Emily, Ben
Go Nuts For Donuts – led by Sean …..2nd time for this Gamewright 2017 release to hit our tables as on opener (for up to 6). www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/184346/go-nuts-donuts
Dollars to Donuts – led by K-ban – 2021 Kickstarter just arrived. Draft and place donut halves as tile strips and satisfy customers with differing tastes. The theme fits the mechanics well. www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/307862/dollars-donuts
Carcassonne – led by Armando – started a run of simple tile laying games back in 2000, the latest being 2021’s Land vs Sea (K-ban just received his copy). A family bluffing and set collecting card game. www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/822/carcassonne
Lucky Numbers – Led by K-ban – Michael Schacht (Web of Power/China, Zooloretto, Coloretto) design 2012 puzzle game design has been re-released for 2021. Very good family game to attract non-gamers to the table. www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/118247/lucky-numbers
Kanagawa – led by Wendy…2016 Bruno Cathala (King Domino, Five Tribes, 7 Wonders Duel) design. Harmonize Japanese nature and culture elements to paint the most beautiful landscape. www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/200147/kanagawa
High Society – led by Armando – 1995 Reiner Knizia design re-published several times. Auction game for treasures with a twist….the player who spends the most $ on auctions can’t win. www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/220/high-society
Fire Tower – led by Armando – 2019 release. Manipulate a raging forest fire – to burn down rival fire towers before they get yours. www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/226605/fire-tower
Chai – led by Wendy – aborted….Sean will lead at a future session. Combine tea flavors to make your perfect blend. www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/253185/chai
Unstable Unicorns – led by Emily. 2017 release…sort of like a non-collectable CCG for multiple players. www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/234190/unstable-unicorns
Take 6/ Category 5 / 6 Nimmt – led by Armando….the 1994 Wolfgang Kramer classic….quick and can accommodate up to 10 with ease. www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/432/6-nimmt
Hope to see all on Wednesday
13 in attendance for Wednesday October 13, 2021 at Purple Dragon Games – semi-officially deemed the ‘2021 Donut Doubleheader celebration’…..with Sean crowned as Donut King (with the DD Munchkins to prove it) – Emily and Tim qualified for the Dollars to Donuts grand finale. First visit from Ryn. Our table leaders are hard at play learning…
13 in attendance for Wednesday October 13, 2021 at Purple Dragon Games – semi-officially deemed the ‘2021 Donut Doubleheader celebration’…..with Sean crowned as Donut King (with the DD Munchkins to prove it) – Emily and Tim qualified for the Dollars to Donuts grand finale. First visit from Ryn. Our table leaders are hard at play learning…