8/25/2021 Berkshire Gaming Session Report #9
by BerkshireGamers
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15 at Purple Dragon Games on Wednesday August 25….for our 9th session and highest attendance yet. A warm welcome to first time attendees – Justin, Kristina, Quinn and Emmett
Three tables with 6 different table leaders and 11 different games got played
IN: K-ban, Sandy, Sean, Wendy, Quinn, Emmett, Armando, Drew, Tim, Edward, Kitty, Kristine, Justin, Margaret, Zach
MicroMacro: Crime City – Tim led the 2021 SdJ (German family game of the year) Solve a crime cooperatively through powers of observation in a Where’s Waldo world.
Super Mega Lucky Box – K-ban led this oddly satisfying flip and write. For some reason it’s satisfying to write on the game cards, complete them and earn bonuses for rows and columns completed. Similar was done by the same author’s Silver & Gold…..but this does it better IMHO
Crack the Code – Armando led this recent KickStarter, getting through the first two steps in a campaign that teaches the game’s nuances to it’s players. One of those ‘everyone knows your hand except you’ games of deduction and cooperation to solve the puzzle.
A Dog’s Life – Drew led this French game from 2001
8-minute Empire – Wendy led and said it clocked in at closer to 15 minutes after rules were taught.
Sushi Go Party – Tim led the expanded (up to 8-player) version of Sushi Go! A great introduction to ‘draft and pass’ games….which means we’re building up to 7 Wonders one of these sessions.
Fool (Foppen) – K-ban led this Frieseman Friede asymmetrical trick taking game. Low person takes the green FOOL token and has to sit out the next hand – with the goal being to rid yourself of your cards.The author with the green hair names his creations with the letter ‘F’ Fool takes the previously published ‘Foppen’ to 7 and 8 players.
Whirling Witchcraft – Sean led this new AEG Big Game Night release. Strange combination of creating chains of magical spell recipes and their ingredients – where cards pass to the left and cauldrons to the right.
Cartagena – Drew led this Leo Colivini design from 2000. Groups of pirates race to reach the ship to escape
Take It Easy – K-ban led one 7-handed round of the classic puzzle game to get all caught up.
Poison – Drew led this quirky 2005 Reiner Knizia card game of point avoidance combined with set collection. Has been re-issued as both Baker’s Dozen and Friday the 13th
We’re getting to the point where we’ll be bringing games back to our tables for those who missed out on the first pass. Just shoot me an e-mail with your request and I’ll try to line up a table leader.
If there is a game you’d like to purchase from Purple Dragon Games but you don’t see it on display…..ask Niko to order a copy for you (assuming it is in active distribution chain)
Please remember to RSVP through our MeetUp group….just click the button to RSVP and we will plan accordingly.
15 at Purple Dragon Games on Wednesday August 25….for our 9th session and highest attendance yet. A warm welcome to first time attendees – Justin, Kristina, Quinn and Emmett Three tables with 6 different table leaders and 11 different games got played IN: K-ban, Sandy, Sean, Wendy, Quinn, Emmett, Armando, Drew, Tim, Edward, Kitty, Kristine,…
15 at Purple Dragon Games on Wednesday August 25….for our 9th session and highest attendance yet. A warm welcome to first time attendees – Justin, Kristina, Quinn and Emmett Three tables with 6 different table leaders and 11 different games got played IN: K-ban, Sandy, Sean, Wendy, Quinn, Emmett, Armando, Drew, Tim, Edward, Kitty, Kristine,…