Berkshire Gamers 2023 Stats

Thanks Sean for compiling our group statistics…..what follows is an interesting look at what we accomplished as a group in 2023




2023 Quick Stats

2023 Sessions: 52
Unbroken run of Wednesday night games: 131 (from June 30th, 2021 through December 27th, 2023)
2023 Turnstile Attendance: 663 (vs 544 in 2022)

2023 Unique Attendees: 84 (vs 58 in 2022)

2023 Average Session Attendance: 13 (vs 10 in 2022)
2023 Total games Played: 461 (vs 422 in 2022)
2023 Unique Games Played: 263 (vs 259 in 2022)
2023 Average Games per Session: 9 (vs 8 in 2022)
2023 Unique Game Leaders: 32 (vs 26 in 2022)

Sessions & Attendance

2023 Attendance by Week graph

We started our year meeting every Wednesday from 6pm until 10pm at Purple Dragon Games in Williamstown, MA until the beginning of September, when Nico closed the store to move to Japan. Steve put in a lot of work (along with the leaders of the Purple Dragon’s RPG groups that met at the store on Sundays, and the leader of the Purple Dragon’s Magic: the Gathering leagues) to find a new venue for all these gamers to meet at in the area. The search team settled on a deal with the Uno Community Center in North Adams, and on September 6th, 2023 we made the move to meeting at the new venue on Wednesdays from 6:30pm until 10:30pm. The UNO Park Community Center has turned out to be ideal for our needs, with enough tables and chairs, good lighting, and a reasonable price for use of the facilities. We did have to move to a dues system in the latter half of the year to help spread the rental cost of the new facility across our membership. 
We had 663 total attendance across all weekly sessions for the year (turnstile attendance count), with an average attendance of 13 people per session. We had a total attendance at Purple Dragon Games for this year (1/4/2023 – 8/30/2023) of 401, with 61 different people joining us there. After the move to Uno Park Community Center (9/6/2023 – 12/27/2023) we had total attendance of 262, with 47 different people joining us for sessions at the new location. We had a total of 84 unique attendees show up across all of our Wednesday sessions throughout the year. 
Highest Attended Sessions
Our highest attended session this year occurred on August 2nd, 2023, with 22 attendees (6 of those were campers at summer programs at Williams College, who drifted in for a game and then out again).  Our next highest attended session was on October 18th, with 21 attendees (no Williams campers this time inflating our numbers), followed by our Holiday Party (held on December 13th, with 20 attendees.
Lowest Attended Sessions
Our lowest attended session was on January 11th, with only 2 attendees (Danny and Sean), while Steve and Sandy were on their yearly pilgrimage to Florida to visit family. Life circumstances got in many folks’ way that week, but we persisted nonetheless. Two weeks later, on January 25th, 2023, we had our second lowest attendance of the year due to a snow storm – 3 people showed up anyway (Armando, Danny, and Steve), continuing our unbroken run of Wednesday sessions from the first meeting on June 30th, 2021.
Steve (K-Ban). takes the honors for most sessions attended in 2023, at 47, followed closely by Sean (46). Tim P. (43), Sandy (38), and Armando (37).

2023 Attendance Records

With the closing of Purple Dragon Games and our move to the much less public venue of UNO Park Community Center, we have lost the benefit of random people finding out about us by walking into the store on a Wednesday night, so if you know anyone who would be interested in joining us, please let them know we’re here!

Games Played and Leaders

2023 Games on Tables by Week graph

We played 461 games across all of our sessions this year (making for an average of 9 games played per session). Of those, we had 263 different games that hit our tables this year. October 4th (our theme night honoring Dr. Reiner Knizia’s many games) was our gamiest night, with 19 games played. Below you can see our most played games of the year. Crokinole has rocketed to popularity this year in our group, with 16 recorded plays (and likely more than that, as once a Crokinole board is set up on a Wednesday night, people will wander over between other games and play a bit), followed by Dorf Romantik (8 plays), Lost Cities (7 plays), and Cahoots, Jaipur, Splendor, and Tiger & Dragon at 6 plays.

3-34 Game Plays Record

We also keep track of how many games our table leaders lead, and there were 32 attendees who led at least one game at our tables this year.  K-Ban maintained his position at the top of the pack for number of games led this year, leading 103 games over the 47 sessions he was at, followed by Sean & Tim P (leading 85 and 75 games respectively), Armando (33), and Ethan (leading 23 games). Being a table leader requires a working knowledge of how to play the game you want to lead (which fits our time restrictions), and the ability to explain to others how to play and win the game. If you have a game you want to lead, let K-Ban or Sean know and we’ll help you get it on the table.

2023 Game Leaders

Looking for More?
Compiled session reports are available on our website, as are the stats graphics featured here.  By mid-February, the stats on the website will change over to show 2024 (once we have enough data to make the graphics useful). If you would like to view our full 2023 stats sheet, you can see it by clicking


Thanks Sean for compiling our group statistics…..what follows is an interesting look at what we accomplished as a group in 2023 Steve     2023 Quick Stats 2023 Sessions: 52 Unbroken run of Wednesday night games: 131 (from June 30th, 2021 through December 27th, 2023) 2023 Turnstile Attendance: 663 (vs 544 in 2022) 2023 Unique…

Thanks Sean for compiling our group statistics…..what follows is an interesting look at what we accomplished as a group in 2023 Steve     2023 Quick Stats 2023 Sessions: 52 Unbroken run of Wednesday night games: 131 (from June 30th, 2021 through December 27th, 2023) 2023 Turnstile Attendance: 663 (vs 544 in 2022) 2023 Unique…

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