10/18/2023 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #23-41
by BerkshireGamers
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(led by K-ban) 2008 German game, later re-themed for Pizza with Pepperoni replacing the dollops of whipped cream and a few additional scoring twists. Divide an 11-slice pie into as many portions as there are players. The divider gets the last choice. As portions are selected, players decide which slices to keep on display for majority VPs and which to ‘eat’ for their whipped cream dollops ( 1 point per dollop). 20 minutes of pure fun.
(led by Tim) 2021 2-player sequel to Hanamikoji where players help their favored geisha advance and build prestige through performing their art at different teahouses. Geisha start as apprentices (maiko) but become full geisha and score prestige points after accruing the necessary patronage to return to their original teahouse (ochaya) for the graduation ceremony (erikae). Some geisha may continue their path further and eventually inherit the teahouse (upon a second return) to become the new okaasan, recognized with more prestige points.
At the end of the game, the player who provides the most support to each geisha is recognized. The player who has supported the most prestigious group of geisha wins the game.
(led by K-ban) 2019 two-player 18-card album card game by the author of Wingspan. It is based on the Victorian custom of sending secret messages through flowers. In turn, players look at the top two cards of the deck, then offer them, one face-up and one facedown, to an opponent. That opponent takes one, leaving the other for the active player. A round ends when each player has four cards, at which point the scores are tallied. The highest score after three rounds wins!
(led by Ethan) 2015 set collection and tile placement game – where each player places two area tiles in front of them and sets the selling price for the tiles. Setting a high price is great, but only so long as someone actually pays the price because if no one opts to buy, then the seller must buy the tiles at the price they previously requested. In the end, the player with the best kingdom—and not the richest player—becomes the sovereign of the island. This was the 2016 Kennerspiel (German Gamers Game) winner.
(led by Amy) 2014 tile laying, pattern building game where players are tasked with building an amazing, extravagant castle for King Ludwig II of Bavaria…one room at a time. Each round, one player takes on the role of the Master Builder, and that player sets prices for a set of rooms that can be purchased by the other players, with the master builder getting to pick from the leftovers after the other players have paid him for their rooms. When a room is added to a castle, the player who built it gains castle points based on the size and type of room constructed, as well as bonus points based on the location of the room. When a room is completed, with all entrance ways leading to other rooms in the castle, the player receives one of seven special rewards.
(led by K-ban) 2001 Alan Moon/Aaron Weissblum area majorities design that shines with 3 players. Players are attempting to score the most points by building up influence in the districts of Venice via their aristocrats. The game uses a card distribution mechanic whereby one player draws cards and divides them up into 3 piles. The other two players pick one group and the remaining group go to the players who formed them. The action cards allow players to place and remove aristocrats, erect and move bridges, and score individual regions. The entire game lasts three rounds that are timed by ‘limit’ cards that poison the groups of cards on offer….10 limit points and you are out for the round.
2x (led by Sean/Ethan) 1876 addictive Canadian flicking dexterity game played on a circular wooden board with wooden discs and bumpers. We have at least a handful of sets in our group. When MayDay does another Kickstarter campaign, a set can be ordered at a reasonable cost.
(led by Tim & Matt) 2018 asymmetrical area control game with a cute animal façade. Every faction is genuinely unique in how it operates and scores points, The woodland conflict is very immersive and amusing. This was a pre-arranged game, to minimize time needed for rules explanation and allow for completion within our time constraints. We had numerous requests to play as well as all at the table being smitten by the game. Next 8.0+ session is November 8….perhaps two tables if the number of gamers is sufficient.
(led by Sean) 2022 card-based car racing game of hand management, with simultaneous card actions determining speed, ability to corner and slipstreaming. ‘Heat’ cards allow for the ability to shift 2 gears up or down but clog up your hand while stress cards add chaos when required.
(led by Susan) 1850 traditional Chinese tile rummy game frequently used to gamble (but Drew was properly restrained)
There are many different scoring systems….the American scoring changes annually, governed by cards purchased from the National Mah Jongg League.
(led by Matt) 2023 deck-building and drafting game where each player chooses a side, playing as either the Empire or the Rebels, and as the game progresses both strengthen the power of their starting decks and work to destroy each other’s bases. The first player to destroy three of their opponent’s bases wins.
A magical day at the Uno Park Community Center on 10/18/2023 For a moment it looked like the Northern Berkshires Greyhound and Crokinole Club. Kara and 3 children showed up for the after school gaming with Armando leading ‘Mountain Goats’ and K-ban leading ‘Piece’O’Cake’. We’re hoping that the NBCC (Northern Berkshire Community Coalition) gets out…
A magical day at the Uno Park Community Center on 10/18/2023 For a moment it looked like the Northern Berkshires Greyhound and Crokinole Club. Kara and 3 children showed up for the after school gaming with Armando leading ‘Mountain Goats’ and K-ban leading ‘Piece’O’Cake’. We’re hoping that the NBCC (Northern Berkshire Community Coalition) gets out…