1/11/2023 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #23-02
by BerkshireGamers
- 342
Coloretto (led by Sean) In this 2003 card game by Michael Schacht, collect huge sets of differently colored chameleon cards – but only in three colors as every color beyond the third will cost you points. Game play is simple: Either draw a card to play to a row, or take a row of cards to add them to your collection. Once all the rows have been claimed, players start a new round, drawing or taking once again. After the final round, everyone tallies their score, choosing three colors of cards to score positively while any other colors count against you. The player with the high score wins!
2 at Purple Dragon Games for our second 2023 session. It was a near miss as Sean was running a few minutes late, and only Nico was at Purple Dragon when Danny arrived. Seeing no one else, Danny debated even entering the store. Fortunately, he did and our 78th consecutive game night at Purple Dragon…
2 at Purple Dragon Games for our second 2023 session. It was a near miss as Sean was running a few minutes late, and only Nico was at Purple Dragon when Danny arrived. Seeing no one else, Danny debated even entering the store. Fortunately, he did and our 78th consecutive game night at Purple Dragon…