9/8/2021 Berkshire Gamers Session Report #11
by BerkshireGamers
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10 at Purple Dragon Games on Wednesday September 8
We adjusted to allow for two midweight games on each table after our obligatory opener allowed for stragglers to arrive.
Good to see Ben return for the first time since session #1..
We wish all the best to Edward in his first year at the prestigious Bronx High School of Science. He will be visiting Williamstown on weekends and school breaks.
I will be unable to be at the 9/15 and 9/22 sessions. Sean will lead the 9/15 session and Armando will lead the 9/22session. Kindly cooperate with both of them.
I will be playing with my former LI Gamenite crew on Friday 9/17 for the first time since early March 2020.
A reminder that proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required on your first visit to Purple Dragon Games as are masks.
Remember to ask Niko to order any games you want to buy that are not on display.
IN: K-ban, Sandy, Sean, Wendy, Emmett, Quinn, Armando, Edward, Kitty, Ben
Take It Easy – this classic puzzle bingo-like has taken hold as an opener or closer….as it can handle any number of players and is easy to add stragglers as they arrive. Try the iPhone app for solo play.
then it was time for dueling 5-player cauldron/ingredient games – Quacks and Whirling Witchcraft
Quacks of Quedlinburg – K-ban led the 2018 German Gamers Game of the year….buy ingredients and then decide when to push your luck in a bag-builder. First time for Armando and Ben. Adding the Geekup bits for the ingredients makes this a more tactile experience.
Whirling Witchcraft – Sean led for the 2nd time this 2021 very recent AEG release. Cards being passed one way in a draft while cauldrons pass in the opposite direction. We’re just scratching the surface here and it has caught on.
Azul – Wendy led the 2018 German Game of the Year (SdJ) that has spawned two sequels – Stained Glass and Summer Pavilions to date.
Show Manager – K-ban led this 1996 Dirk Henn (Alhambra, Paris Metro, Wallenstein/Shogun ) design – originally home produced as Premiere and later re-themed to cruise ships as Atlantic Star. Players draft actors to produce 4 shows with money management at a premium..
Cat Lady – Wendy led for 2nd time
10 at Purple Dragon Games on Wednesday September 8 We adjusted to allow for two midweight games on each table after our obligatory opener allowed for stragglers to arrive. Good to see Ben return for the first time since session #1.. We wish all the best to Edward in his first year at the prestigious Bronx High School…
10 at Purple Dragon Games on Wednesday September 8 We adjusted to allow for two midweight games on each table after our obligatory opener allowed for stragglers to arrive. Good to see Ben return for the first time since session #1.. We wish all the best to Edward in his first year at the prestigious Bronx High School…