7/21/2021 Berkshire Gamers Session Report #4
by BerkshireGamers
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7 at Purple Dragon Games with our initial breakthrough to two tables in only week #4!
Welcome to Sarah on her first session. Over a dozen different friendly gamers have attended our 4 sessions.
A reminder that there is no board fee at Purple Dragon….so buy some games when there.
At the Table: K-ban & Sandy, Sean, Drew, Mike, Kaleb, Sarah
On the Tables:
Tsuro – Drew led this very good opener of building paths with players being eliminated until a single winner emerges. boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/16992/tsuro
Quick openers allow us to keep all occupied while stragglers arrive.
Citadels – Sean & K-ban led all in Bruno Faidutti classic. Build your city using role selection.
boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/478/citadels With coins that looked like butterscotch candies while Drew shared English fizzing candies we escaped any injuries.☺
Planet – K-ban led. Draft magnetic hexes of terrain type to win animal habitat cards and earn bonuses in your secret terrain. Your planet is a dodecagon (12-sided 3D polygon)
King of Tokyo – Drew led this game of Monsters trying to be king of the hill.
5ive Straight – played as two teams trying to play cards and place pegs of their color to get 5 in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Originally called Game of 99 way back in the 50’s. Like Sequence on steroids.
The Spiel des Jahres (German Game of the Year) has been awarded since 1979.
Currently there are three winners – for Family Game of the Year, Children’s Game of the Year and Gamer’s Game of the Year. A Jury of German game reviewers make the selections, first nominating a slate of recommended games then narrowing the field to 3 finalists before announcing the winners. MicroMacro Crime City won the SdJ. boardgamegeek.com/blogp…8a3c75
I’ve loaned out a couple of games to our table leaders to prepare for future sessions.
Sean will be leading Everdell boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/199792/everdell
Everdell is a game of dynamic tableau building and worker placement – building a village of critters. To reserve a seat you will be expected to have gone to the BGG site and have watched a video or two, so we can hit the ground running. Works best with 3 or 4 players.
Drew has my copy of SteamRollers, a Roll & Write with trains delivering goods. boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/182704/steamrollers best with 3 to 5 players
I’m preparing to lead Cosmic Factory boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/253379/cosmic-factory Best with 3-4 players.
If you haven’t attended one of our sessions, you are missing out on having fun with a very friendly group of gamers. Right now we’re stressing the camaraderie and trying to figure out the kind of games the group enjoys. Our modest goal is to consistently have two tables per session through Labor Day and grow to 3 tables by Fall…but especially to make new friends.
Kindly join our Meetup Group www.meetup.com/Berkshire-County-Tabletop-Gamers/ (if you haven’t already) so you will receive our invitations and reminders. RSVP if planning to attend so we can plan for the numbers at our tables.
If you know gamers from other area groups (many defunct or dormant due to COVID pandemic) please pass their names and e-mail addresses to me so they can be included in the fun.
7 at Purple Dragon Games with our initial breakthrough to two tables in only week #4! Welcome to Sarah on her first session. Over a dozen different friendly gamers have attended our 4 sessions. A reminder that there is no board fee at Purple Dragon….so buy some games when there. At the Table: K-ban &…
7 at Purple Dragon Games with our initial breakthrough to two tables in only week #4! Welcome to Sarah on her first session. Over a dozen different friendly gamers have attended our 4 sessions. A reminder that there is no board fee at Purple Dragon….so buy some games when there. At the Table: K-ban &…